

東海国立大学機構メイク・ニュー・スタンダード次世代研究事業の学生募集について/ Recruitment and Additional Recruitment for the Make New Standards Program for the Next Generation Researchers


趣旨 /Purpose

 本事業で採択する学生は、学生であると同時に研究者でもあることからRESEARDENT(RESEARcher + stuDENT)と呼びます。学生として謙虚に学ぶ姿勢を持つと同時にプロの研究者としての自覚と誇りを持ちながら自己研鑽することを期待します。


 THERS Make New Standards Program for the Next Generation Researchers (hereinafter referred to as the "Program") aims to develop doctoral human resources who will contribute to future society in various ways, such as taking leading roles in a knowledge-based society or resolving the issues facing the world and Japan. PhD students are already at the forefront of research and supporting the foundation for research at the University. The Program will provide financial support to such excellent students and thereby provide them with an environment in which they can devote themselves to their research. In addition, by providing various activities to help them acquire the skills required by companies, etc., and by providing opportunities to interact with graduates of Leading graduate schools and WISE program graduates who serve as role models, the Program seeks to dispel anxiety about employment, etc., and encourage participants to contribute to society by designing their own careers.
What's more, by interacting with PhD students with different specialties, overseas researchers, mentors with different values, etc., the participants will gain a multi-faceted perspective, expand their human networks, and encourage the development of new research based on original ideas and creation and progress of interdisciplinary research.
The students selected for this Program are to be called "RESEARDENTs" (RESEARcher + stuDENT) because they are both students and researchers. RESEARDENTs are expected to have the humble attitude of a student toward learning, while also possessing a sense of awareness and pride as a professional researcher.

支援内容/Content of support

研究専念支援金180,000円/月、研究費250,000円/年 支給

Research Immersion Support: 180,000 yen/month, Research Expenses: 250,000yen/year


募集/Recruitement (AY2024, AY2025)


Please check the application requirements from the link at the bottom.


Support Period
3 Years/4 Years for the Graduate School of Medicine and the Joint Graduate Sckool of Veterinary Medicine (The support covers the regular study period.)
Application Fields


Ⅰ. Accelerating Social Innovation Studies​
Ⅱ. Chem-Bio Integrated Studies
Ⅲ. Informatics,Bio and Life Science Integrated Studies ​ ​
Ⅳ. Lifestyle Revolution based on Transdisciplinary Studies​​
Ⅴ. Creating the Future of Asia and Pan Pacific
Ⅵ. Glocal Problem Solving Studies
Ⅶ. Multi-disciplinary Fundamental Studies​
Number of recruits

76名(事業全体で)/ 76 people(whole program)


2024 recruitment

Doctoral Course: Students who plan to enroll in April or October 2024


For the Graduate School of Medicine and the Joint Graduate School of Veterinary Medicine, this includes students who will be promoted to second year in April and October 2024.
2025 recruitment

Students of JDP scheduled to be enrolled/advance in April, 2025

Graduate School of Engineering
United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences

追加募集/Additional Recruitement

Support Period

In principle, the period will cover the regular study period. However, since this recruitment is to fill the slots for students who have declined, the grant support period may be terminated before your regular study period depending on the predecessor'sauthorized support period.)
Application Fields

Ⅰ.未来社会革新加速分野、Ⅱ. 物質・生命融合分野、Ⅲ. 情報・生命・医学融合分野、Ⅳ. ライフスタイル革命学際分野
Ⅴ. アジア・環太平洋未来創造分野、Ⅵ. グローカル課題解決推進分野、Ⅶ. 学際的基盤研究分野

Ⅰ. Accelerating Social Innovation Studies​
Ⅱ. Chem-Bio Integrated Studies
Ⅲ. Informatics,Bio and Life Science Integrated Studies ​ ​
Ⅳ. Lifestyle Revolution based on Transdisciplinary Studies​​
Ⅴ. Creating the Future of Asia and Pan Pacific
Ⅵ. Glocal Problem Solving Studies
Ⅶ. Multi-disciplinary Fundamental Studies​

Number of recruits

76名(事業全体で)/ 76 people(whole program)


D3 Additional recruitment

Doctoral Course: Student's total enrollment periods will become 3rd year (or 25th month) in April or October 2024 from his or her enrollment .


For the Graduate School of Medicine and Joint Graduate School of Veterinary Medicine, this includes students in their fourth year.


D2 Additional recruitment


Doctoral Course: Student's total enrollment periods will become 2nd year (or 13th month) in April or October 2024 from his or her enrollment .


For the Graduate School of Medicine and Joint Graduate School of Veterinary Medicine, this includes students in their third year.


★An enrollment period above refers to the number of years (or months) of enrollment with exception for periods of leaves of absence. However, in case you took periods of leaves due to personal reasons during your enrollment period, the applicant may not be supported. For more details, please check the application guidelines.

Recruitment Information Session (Wednesday, February 28, 4:00-5:00 p.m.) Recording


*The application period will open approximately one month later than in previous years, but the support period will be retroactive to April.

申請書の提出/Submission of Applications

Pre-registered applicants must submit an application form.

【申請書提出期間/Application form submission period】
3月15日(金)~4月2日(金)14時/Friday 15 March - Friday 2 April, 14:00

除外条件/Exclusion conditions

 ■ 独立行政法人日本学術振興会の特別研究員
 ■ 生活費に係る十分な水準(240万円/年)の奨学金を得ている学生
 ■ 所属する大学や企業等から、生活費相当額として十分な水準(※1)で、給与・役員報酬等の
 ■ 国費外国人留学生制度による支援を受ける留学生、本国からの奨学金等の支援を受ける留学生
  ※1 生活費相当額として十分な水準は、他の事業等を踏まえ、240万円/年を基準とします。
  ※2 生活費相当額ではなく、研究費を支援する事業等であれば、博士課程学生が当該事業等の
  ※3 各学生の支援期間は最大3年間(4年制の場合は4年間)とし、標準修業年限を超える

Those who do not fall under any of the following at the time of admission or advancement to the first year of doctoral studies
 Students who are awarded a JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship.
 Students who receive a sufficient level of scholarship (2.4 million yen/year) for living expenses.
 ■ Students who are recognized as having a stable income such as salary or executive compensation from their university or company at a sufficient level (*1) for living expenses.
 ■ Students receiving support under the Japanese Government Scholarship Program, scholarship from home country, etc.
  1 The sufficient level of living expense equivalent is based on 2.4 million yen/year, in consideration of other programs, etc.
  2 If the program supports research expenses rather than living expenses, doctoral students may be eligible for this program even if they are receiving support from such programs, etc. However, it is necessary to confirm with the program provider in advance whether the support can be overlapped with this program.
  3 The maximum period of support for each student is three years (four years in the case of a four-year program). If the student exceeds the standard period of study, he/she will not be eligible for support for any subsequent period, regardless of the period of support.

留意事項/Points of Attention

  • 本事業における支援期間中に、本事業以外からの支援を受ける予定の場合,併給が可能かを
  • 本募集は,メイク・ニュー・スタンダード次世代研究事業に係る募集であり,受給するためには,別途,各研究科が実施する
  • If you are planning to receive support from other sources during the period of support in this program, please check with the office or relevant department of the scholarship, etc. concerned to see if it is possible to receive both scholarships.

This application is for "THERS Make New Standard Program for the Next Generation Researchers". To be eligible for this scholarship, you must pass an entrance examination administered separately by each graduate school.

申請書類 / Application Documents


申請手続・提出方法/Application procedure・submission method


【Applicant submission】 Submit "Form 1" and "Form 2" to the email address below for application submission.
【To be submitted by supervisor, etc. evaluation report creator】 Submit "Form 3" to the email address below for submitting the application form.

【申請書提出期間/Application form submission period】
3月15日(金)~4月2日(金)14時/Friday 15 March - Friday 2 April, 14:00

申請書提出先メールアドレス/Email address for application submission


選考及び結果/Selection and results

選考方法/Selection procedure


Selection will be made based on the application documents. However, a second screening may be conducted. Interview dates will be announced separately on the Gifu University website.

結果通知/Notification of Results

6月28日(金)/ Friday, June 28th




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