
2024 Second Follow-Up Training for Coordinators of School and Community Collaboration

On Tuesday, January 21, 2025, '2024 Second Follow-Up Training for Coordinators of School and Community Collaboration' was held as part of a human resource development program offered by the Gifu Center for collaborative activities between communities and schools (GIFU CCCS).

GIFU CCCS was jointly established by the Gifu Prefectural Government and Gifu University in order to support and promote school and community collaboration for sound growth of children and revitalization of the community. The following are the three specific purposes of GIFU CCCS:

1. Develop and secure human resources (through collaboration with municipalities and social, education groups, the center provides training opportunities for coordinators of school and community collaboration, educate and secure student volunteers)

2. Conduct survey and research (through collaboration with municipalities and social, education groups, the center carries out survey and research programs to study actual cases of school and community collaboration, pioneering, exemplary cases found in education at home, and makes a presentation)

3. Promotion (the center provides continued support for municipal governments by hosting open lectures or letting its staff attend relevant workshops)

The follow-up training is an advanced learning and information-sharing opportunity aimed at those who have completed the 'Training for Coordinators of School and Community Collaboration' and are active in social education administration, public facilities such as community centers, schools, and community organizations in various regions of the prefecture. This year, 57 participants from 22 cities and towns attended the training.

First, Ms. EBI Atsumi, Director of the Kojima Community Center in Ibigawa Town, Gifu Prefecture, gave a lecture titled 'Nurturing Children with the Entire Community: Creating a Community Where Multiple Generations Learn and Grow Together.' In her lecture, she discussed the importance of 1) human resource development and creating a foundation, which involves fostering individuals who think about, learn about, and create for the community, and creating spaces where children and adults can learn and grow together, and 2) creating spaces for adults to be active, such as community-building councils. She shared her experiences and current initiatives in Ibigawa Town. During the Q&A session, there was an active information exchange about the facility management system involving community center staff, the background and current status of the community-building council, and the communication and collaboration system with schools, social education facilities, and the board of education.

Next, under the facilitation of Professor MASUKAWA Koichi, GIFU CCCS Director, participants engaged in group work using the 'KPT' method. They shared what they are currently doing in their practices ('Keep'), the challenges and problems they face ('Problem'), and what they would like to try to improve ('Try'). Finally, each participant summarized what they would like to challenge in the future on a piece of paper and made a presentation.

Two staff members from the Shizuoka Prefectural Board of Education visited to observe the training, providing an opportunity to disseminate information about Gifu Prefecture's school and community collaboration activities and support efforts beyond the prefecture.

Although this follow-up training session has concluded, we hope that participants will utilize what they have learned in their respective regions and continue to excel.

Scene from Ms. Ebi's Lecture
Scene from Group Work

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