
Online Seminar "Necessary support for medical students with disabilities" opened

The Health Administration Center and the Medical Education Development Center jointly hosted an online seminar titled, "Necessary support for medical students with disabilities" on Sunday, September 4, 2022. The seminar was supported by Kumamoto Health Science University (Kumamoto Prefecture), Fujita Health University (Aichi Prefecture), Suzuka University of Medical Science (Mie Prefecture), University of Fukui (Fukui Prefecture), the Student Support of Nagoya University (Aichi Prefecture), and the Japan Student Services Organization. The seminar was attended by approximately 140 people from universities, support organizations for people with disabilities, etc. across Japan.

First, Associate Professor HORITA Ryo from the Health Administration Center introduced Gifu University's support programs for students with disabilities and their objectives, which was followed by speeches given by five guest speakers. They were:

- Visiting Professor SHIMADA Kaoru (Kumamoto Health Science University) who spoke about proper guidance for off-campus instructors in compliance with technical standards to educate clinical laboratory technicians

- Dr. FUJIE Rieko (Fujita Health University) spoke about educational support for students with disabilities

- Associate Professor AYANO Mari (Suzuka University of Medical Science), Dr. KURITA Tomomi and Dr. MAEGAWA Nobuaki (both from Fukui University) spoke about the current state and challenges arising from support for students with disabilities on campus. They introduced some episodes that actually took place in the field of education.

In a subsequent general discussion session opened to the audience, many questions were asked from the audience, and active communications between guest speakers and the audience continued for some time.

This online seminar offered people an opportunity to think through necessary support activities for medical students with disabilities before working as professionals and contribute to society. The latest seminar was limited to the field of medicine, but we would like to continue to host similar online seminars covering all sorts of fields in hope that supporters and educators could develop their understanding about students with disabilities and engage in creating necessary support infrastructure cared to individual students in the future.


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