
"MED Taaalk" kicked off

Medical Education Development Center (MEDC) of Gifu University hosted a webinar titled "Various Reasons for Not Able to Accomplish their Studies and its Remedies" on Friday, March 18, 2022. The main objective of this webinar is to provide support for learners.

MEDC has been hosting medical education seminars and workshops for many years on a regular basis. The latest webinar was specially hosted by MEDC to provide learners additional opportunities to study, and more than 100 people including lecturers attended on March 18.

Four university professors were invited as lecturers and gave short lectures. Later MEDC Director Takuya Saiki (served as a moderator) and Dr. Chihiro Kawakami (MEDC lecturer) joined brief discussion session. It was followed by the speeches of four professors. The following are the titles and speakers:

- "Impacts of studying environment and educators on learners" by Dr. Ikuo Shimizu from Shinshu University (Dr. Ikuo spoke about the elements of procrastination and influence of educators on learners)

- "Little motivation to study..." by Dr. Ryo Horita of Gifu University (Dr. Horita reported the importance of understanding and support for learners with mental problems)

- "No passing grade with my hard study" by Dr. Rieko Fujie from Fujita Health University (Dr. Fujie detailed the mechanism of memorization and retention support system)

- "Hard time in technical training due to my clumsiness" by Dr Toshinori Shimoi from International University of Health and Welfare (Dr. Shimoi spoke about his own experiences about dexterity indispensable to medical professions)

Questions were answered through messages sent to a "chat box" from time to time between audiences and lecturers.

As a collaboration center for medical education, MEDC holds a medical education seminar and workshop three times a year for promotion, development and improvement of medical staff education in Japan.

Lecture slide by Dr. Rieko Fujie
Discussions by panelists


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