
MEDC's 81st Medical Education Seminar & Workshop

The Medical Education Development Center (MEDC), Gifu University hosted "The 81st Medical Education Seminar & Workshop (online)" on Saturday, January 22 and Sunday, January 23, 2022. A total of 120 participants and lecturers attended the five virtual workshops and a webinar.

In the workshops, participants first discussed and shared their thoughts on the following themes: "Drafting educational programs for medical staff," "Planning and practicing LGBTQ education," and "Creation and use of interactive materials on the web," etc.

In "Creation and use of interactive materials on the web," the participants created interactive educational materials for online education courses (particularly for non-synchronous education courses) by using a free app called, "Lumi Education." It is easy to use and is expected to remain useful even in the post-pandemic era. The participants later tried the materials that other participants created and exchanged opinions.

In the webinar, with Associate Professor Yoshikazu Asada from Jichi Medical University as a moderator, Assistant Professor Koji Tsunekawa from the MEDC delivered a speech titled, "Medical Education IR Office Struggles: How data has changed medical education." In his speech, he looked back the activities of the IR Office, School of Medicine, Gifu University.

IR is an acronym for "Institutional Research" which aims for university improvement by collecting, analyzing and releasing university data to the public. While citing "The Four Faces of Institutional Research" advocated by Dr. James Fredericks Volkwein (Professor Emeritus of The Pennsylvania State University), Dr. Tsunekawa talked about his difficulties pertaining to IR, what he has acquired from the results of data analyses, etc. In this webinar, many questions were raised from the audience via "chat box," and active exchanges between Dr. Asada, the participants and the audience followed.

As a collaboration center for medical education, Gifu University Medical Education Development Center holds a medical education seminar and workshop three times a year for promotion, development and improvement of medical staff education in Japan.

The next "82nd Medical Education Seminar & Workshop" will be held for three days from Thursday, May 19 to Saturday, May 21, 2022 in parallel with virtual "22nd training for medical and dental department staff."

Participants using "Lumi Education"
Presentation at the webinar

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