
Final Report: ORPHESS "Support Project to Enhance Students' Basic Skills 2020"

On Tuesday, February 16, 2021, the final reports by the selected four groups of the "Support Project to Enhance Students' Basic Skills 2020" were presented online. The organizer of this project is the Career Education Division, the Organization for Promotion of Higher Education and Student Support (ORPHESS), Gifu University.

The "Support Project to Enhance Students' Basic Skills 2020" pursues the following two goals: support students' autonomous activities for fulfilling campus life, assist implementation of attractive, creative projects to enhance students' three basic skills ("thinking," "communications" and "making progress"), all of which are the skills that the Gifu University students are expected to develop.

The four groups which won the entries into this project are: "Career Support Program for Medical Students by using "Kantama noto (nurses' log)," "Bangaike Pond Regeneration Project 2020," "Online Student Support Program," and "Welcome to Gifu! (media report on Gifu's attractions)" program.

In the reporting, members of individual groups looked backed on their activities for the past six months, and explained them in details before the virtual audience. Some of them admitted that thigs did not go well as planned, but others proudly announced that they overcame the great hardships caused by the pandemic, and received awards from external organizations. All of their strong messages impressed everyone who was listening to their presentations firsthand. Some of the screening committee members made the following comments in hopes of witnessing more attractive, unique activities initiated by students in the future: "Even after this project is over, please continue to pursue your goals and missions, and disseminate your activities to people on and off campus." Many other comments given to the students also showed their strong support and encouragement towards the students' continued efforts to fulfill their respective goals and missions.


Final Report session
Q&A session


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