
"Internationalizing Food Material Production × SDGs"

Gifu University Organization for Promotion of Glocalization (GU-GLOCAL: Glocalization Promotion Division) hosted a seminar, "Internationalizing Food Material Production × SDGs: Pest control on a global scale" at Gifu University on December 20, 2019. Three were invited to the seminar as keynote speakers. The following are the speech titles and names of speakers:

- "Forefront of Ecological Risk Posed by Agrichemicals: Towards sustainable use of living organism and ecosystems" by Dr. Kouichi Goka, Head, Ecological Risk Assessment and Control Section, Center for Environmental Biology and Ecosystem Studies, National Institute for Environmental Studies

- "Pesticide Resistance Control: SDGs and new movements in Japan and abroad" by Dr. Atsushi Yamamoto, Senior Research Specialist, Department of Planning and Administration, Odawara Research Center, Nippon Soda Co., Ltd.,and

- "New Trend of Plant Disease and Disinfectant Development" by Mr. Fumiaki Hakuno, Project Manager, Market Development Division, Nihon Nohyaku Co., Ltd.

Major topics of this seminar were: pest control to attain the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in food and food related sectors, introduction of research results and the world trend for environmental assessment and conservation.

A total of 87 people (including company employees) attended the seminar from and outside of Gifu University. In Q&A session, active back and forth exchange between the speakers and the audience continued. Through this seminar, people realized the importance of biodiversity from the SDGs perspectives.

Feedback from the audience showed their appreciation to the seminar. GU-GLOCAL continues to offer similar educational seminars to the university students, faculties and the public.

Dr.Goka giving his speech
Dr.Yamamoto giving his speech
Mr. Hakuno giving his speech
Scene of the seminar


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