
The 9th Eco-Friendly Campaign Poster Award Ceremony

The 9th Eco-Friendly Campaign Poster Award Ceremony" was held at the Office of the President, Gifu University on December 16, 2019.

Gifu University and Juroku Bank, Ltd. concluded "Memorandum of Understanding on Partnership for Environment Conservation between Gifu University and Juroku Bank, Ltd," and as part of partnership activities, Gifu University seeks application for "Eco-Friendly Campaign Poster" competition from students at the Affiliated Elementary School, Faculty of Education, Gifu University, and the Affiliated Junior High School, Faculty of Education, Gifu University. The major objective of this campaign is to raise people's awareness of environmental issues. Many students sent their posters for the 9th competition. After a rigorous screening, two golds, two silvers, two bronzes and four Jury's Special Awards were announced at the ceremony.

President of Gifu University Hisataka Moriwaki handed out the award certificates to individual winners. Mr. Yukiyasu Shiraki, Managing Executive Officer, Juroku Bank also gave small gifts to them. President Moriwaki praised their efforts and said, "Please keep on working for conservation activities at school, at home and in your community." Mr. Shiraki followed him and said, "I realized everyone's strong interests and extensive knowledge about the protection of environment. It is becoming a global agenda. Let's join hands to make our community a more livable place." Lastly, Mr. Yoshio Sumoto, Principal of the affiliated schools commented that both schools continue to address various environmental issues and remain engaged in community activities from today onward.

Posters of the winners were on display at the University Library and many local people already came to see them. The posters were also on display at the lobby of Juroku Bank Kano Branch from December 17 to 27, 2019.

We hope that this event will give people a chance to think about the environment, and further expanded into various forms eco-friendly activities in the future.

Commemorative photo after awarding

Gold Awards

Junior High School Division
"Help! Save the planet"
Elementary School Division
"My mission: no plastic bags to create waste!"


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