
International Month 2018: International Exchange Party hosted by the President

As part of International Month 2018 events, Gifu University Head Office for Glocalization (GHOGL) held the International Exchange Party hosted by the President at the Dining Hall No.2 on campus on November 6, 2018. Active exchange among international students, researchers, teaching and administrative staff as well as Japanese students who are interested in forming a friendship with people from different countries was the main purpose of this event.

After the group photo session, the party started with Specially Appointed Associate Professor Raymond Co from GHOGL serving as a moderator.

After the opening speech by President Hisataka Moriwaki, members of the board were introduced one by one, and Dr. Fumiaki Suzuki, GHOGL Director (Executive Director for International Affairs and Public Relations) proposed a toast. Meals were served in a buffet style and the participants enjoyed meals and conversations for some time.

Speeches were given by the university staff who took part in overseas staff training programs, Japanese students with studying abroad experiences, international students and researchers, Japanese researchers who have academic records overseas. Their speeches were showcasing the current university's international activities and internationalization efforts. Introduction of a new joint degree program scheduled to open next year was also announced for the audience.

During the party, President Moriwaki made the rounds of tables and enjoyed chatting and taking photos.

When a group of international students from Myanmar performed a traditional dancing, all eyes were on their elegant, fascinating music and dancing.

At the end of the party, Professor Mutsuhiro Shima, GHOGL Vice Director made comments on individual speakers and gave the closing remarks.

Approximately 220 people participated in the party. The comments given to the questionnaires read, "I made friends at the party." "It was an excellent event and an unforgettable experience to me," and "I will remember today for the rest of my life." The party offered the venue of exchange among the president, board members, international and Japanese students and researchers. The party ended with a great success, giving the participants a rare opportunity to mingle with people from different countries, and appreciate their unique cultures and traditions.

Group photo
Photo with the president
Students from Myanmar dancing on stage


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