
Gifu University Future Seminar 2018

The Gifu University Future Seminar 2018 is taking place since October 9, 2018, whose target participants are the section chiefs and chief candidates (a total of 18) of Gifu University.

University staff are expected not only to support educational and research activities but also to understand and share the ideals of university to achieve common goals with the teaching staff. To this end, people have to contemplate what qualifications or abilities will be required for administrative staff, and develop necessary skill sets by themselves. In the seminar, the participants will be briefed by President Hisataka Moriwaki and executive directors about Gifu University's multiple missions, its engagement in society and the current status of the university. They are all indispensable to young employees who will become a driving force for future growth, and the participants will learn how to have a broader vision and motivate themselves to self-education.

On October 15, the president gave a lecture about Gifu University's initiatives by referring to Gifu University Future Vision Toward 2025. He underscored the necessity of deep analysis for current admission rates to higher education against the backdrop of ever-decreasing 18-year old population. He also mentioned some notable changes found in the university students. "It is necessary to create something completely new from Gifu University and make it a university brand. I hope many talented students will become interested in our new initiatives, and apply for our university."

After the seminar, the participants asked the president a number of questions, and the enlivened discussions continued for some time.

President Moriwaki explaining the Future Vision
President Moriwaki speaking to the participants


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