
The Commendation Ceremony for High Achievers in TOEIC Scores AY 2017

The Commendation Ceremony for High Achievers in TOEIC Scores AY 2017 was held on April 26, 2018. In this project, a scholarship is awarded to the university staff (both the administrative and technical staff) who score 800 points or higher on the TOEIC test. Its major objective is to encourage staff to make further efforts for their English proficiency.

At the ceremony, Dr. Fumiaki Suzuki, Director of the Gifu University Head Office for Glocalization (GHOGL) presented the certificates to four staff who have been qualified for academic year 2017.

After the ceremony, Dr. Suzuki and Ms. Haruko Nonomura, Director for International Affairs and Planning exchanged opinions with the four awardees. When asked "What are you doing to improve your English skills?" by Ms. Nonomura, they answered, "Listening to English during my commuting time," "I read a lot of English papers, books, etc." The topics of conversations later expanded into their chances to use English in their workplaces and hopes for an effective use of their English skills.

Gifu University continues to seek administrative and technical staff proficient in English and other foreign languages and expedite our globalization initiatives in work and services.

Group photo after Commendation Ceremony
Meeting with Dr. Suzuki


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