
Gifu University "Yasa-cha" Tea Student Project Team wins Award for Excellence at "In Pursuit of Water Blessings: Wellspring Tour Competition 2017"

Gifu University "Yasa-cha" Tea Student Project Team planned a tour, "Looking for Gifu Shirakawa Tea: Discovery of Beauty Unbeaten by Shirakawa-go Village" and won an award of excellence at "In Pursuit of Water Blessings: Wellspring Tour Competition 2017" hosted by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism of Japan.

The ministry sought applications across the country for tour plans that may help people understand local communities, socialize local residents through their visit to wellsprings in far-off places. Gifu University student team planned a tour by which people can study the history, tradition and culture of Shirakawa Tea whose origin was found over 450 years ago. The tour participants can experience from tea picking to tea making, and can appreciate high quality, refined taste of tea.

The team members and their supervisor reported the winning to President Hisataka Moriwaki on January 15, 2018. "We were able to plan a tour that can convey the real beauty and charm of Gifu Prefecture," said one of the students. President Moriwaki honored their success and said, "It is indeed an excellent tour. I would like to make a recommendation of this tour to travel companies. I hope it will be realized in the near future."

Meeting with the president
Meeting with the president
Group photo
Group photo
Award certificate
Award certificate


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