
Male and female athletes of Gifu University come in third and fourth at the 66th Tokai Region National University Athletic Meet

The Tokai Region National University Athletic Meet is held annually for advancement and promotion of students' extracurricular activities and for deepening friendship among students. National universities in four prefectures, Gifu, Shizuoka, Aichi and Mie prefectures are the member universities and many Gifu University students participate in this athletic meet every year.

[Participating Universities] Gifu University, Shizuoka University, Hamamatsu University School of Medicine, Nagoya University, Nagoya Institute of Technology, Aichi University of Education, Toyohashi University of Technology and Mie University

In the 66th Tokai Region National University Athletic Meet, a total of 20 competitions including track and field and swimming were held, and students from each university played many exciting games in front of spectators. About 400 Gifu University students took part in all kinds of competitions this year.

Male and female athletes of Gifu University came in third and fourth, respectively in the general category, and won first prize in four different competitions at the 66th Tokai Region National University Athletic Meet.


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