
Meeting between Gifu University Officials and Senior High School Principals is held

On July 11, 2016, a meeting between the Gifu University officials and the principals of senior high schools in Gifu Prefecture was held at Gifu University. From 2006 since its creation, the meeting aims for active opinion exchange among participants concerning the current situations and possible challenges that Gifu University and the senior high schools need to address today. Through discussions, the participants are expected to deepen their understanding about the real situations of the university and the senior high schools.

On July 11, a total of 19 principals of the senior high schools in Gifu Prefecture, represented by Mr. Masami Asai (Principal of Gifu Kita Senior High School), Chair of the Gifu Prefecture Senior High School Principal Association visited Gifu University. The meeting was joined by President Hisataka Moriwaki, Dr. Satoshi Ema, Executive Director for Academic and Affiliated School Affairs (also serves as Director-General of the Organization for Promotion of Higher Education and Student Support (ORPHESS)) and 20 other board members and teaching and administrative staff of Gifu University.

In the meeting, President Moriwaki first referred to the ongoing university reform efforts and the "Gifu University's Future Visions for the Year 2025." Next, Professor Wang Zhigang, Vice President for Industry-Government-Academia Collaboration spoke about the programs being undertaken through industry-government-academic collaboration. After their speeches, Mr. Asai talked about the Gifu Prefectural Senior High School Revitalization Plan. Later, with Dr. Ema as a moderator, the participants exchanged opinions over university admission, job searching of the university students and human resource development programs.

After the meeting, the principals were invited to visit the Center for Advanced Die Engineering and Technology, which was newly established in April this year. There, the students who graduated from the senior high schools in Gifu Prefecture made presentations about their research work. They later commented that they felt very proud of themselves when they presented their research activities to the principals of their alma mater.

The meeting with the Gifu University officials and their visit to one of the university facilities gave the principals a significant opportunity to strengthen partnership between Gifu University and senior high schools in Gifu Prefecture.

President Moriwaki making an opening address
Mr. Asai giving a speech
Students explaining to the principals at the Center for Advanced Die Engineering and Technology


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