
Fall 2014 Commencement Ceremony of the United Graduate School of Agricultural Science and the United Graduate School of Veterinary Sciences

The Fall 2014 commencement ceremony of the United Graduate School of Agricultural Science (UGSAS) and the United Graduate School of Veterinary Sciences (UGSVS), Gifu University took place at Gifu University Hall on Wednesday, September 24.
Students who finished the course for Course Doctorate or Dissertation Doctorate of the UGSAS and the UGSVS were conferred doctoral degrees.
The Dean of Shizuoka University Graduate School of Agriculture, Gifu University President, Executive Directors, Auditor, Vice-President, the Deans of the UGSAS and the UGSVS attended the ceremony.

Number of students who finished the course:
  The UGSAS  3 for Course Doctorate, 3 for Dissertation Doctorate
  The UGSVS  6 for Course Doctorate, 5 for Dissertation Doctorate

Conferment of degree
A farewell address of the President
The student representative gives the address in reply

Faculty members of the UGSAS
Faculty members of the UGSVS


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