
Cooperation Agreement between the Center for Collaborative Study with Community, Gifu University and the Juroku Bank is signed

On January 25, 2017, the Center for Collaborative Study with Community of Gifu University and the Juroku Bank concluded a "Cooperation Agreement between the Center for Collaborative Study with Community, Gifu University and the Juroku Bank toward Creation of Society Friendly to Lifetime Players and Open to Everyone" The major objective of this agreement is to expedite forming of society where everyone can be an active player for life under the strong partnership between the Center for Collaborative Study with Community and the Juroku Bank.

In the signing ceremony, Mr. Mizutani, Director of the Customer Service Section of the Juroku Bank gave a speech and said, "The Juroku Bank has been actively motivating senior citizens to participate in various social activities by providing venues for lifelong learning to them. We also hold "Kururu Seminar*1" on a regular basis with a view to revitalizing local communities. Such activities include support for various volunteer activities and creation of clubs and circles. With the conclusion of the cooperation agreement, we would like to build a strong tie with Gifu University, and make greater contributions to local communities." In response, Professor Koichi Masukawa, Director of the Center said, "Gifu University is promoting COC*2 and COC+*3 projects for regional revitalization and the Center for Collaborative Study with Community has been a major driving force for executing these two projects. To make a substantial progress, the Center will keep on working hard to build society friendly to lifetime players and open to everyone. To this end, the two institutions will jointly address the issues related to super-aging society, and greater utilization of senior citizen powers for sound growth of children and youngsters in addition to "Kururu Seminar."

The Center for Collaborative Study with Community and the Juroku Bank will pursue creating of society friendly to lifetime players and open to everyone by holding more productive "Kururu Seminar" and tackle problems that our aging society faces today.

*1 Kururu Seminar: started in October 2001 for senior citizens doing more listening, looking and doing
*2 COC (Center of Community) projects:
projects of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT). Their objectives include reinforcing university functions to be a core of local communities where people, information and technology are brought together for problem-solving. To achieve these objectives, universities are expected to promote regional-based education, research and social contribution.
*3 COC+ (Center of Community Program for Local Revitalization) projects:
projects of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT). Their objectives include assembling people together to regions for revitalization by: - offering attractive job opportunities to students in collaboration with universities, local governments and businesses and, - supporting university's curriculum reform efforts necessary to cultivate personnel sought by regions.

Professor Masukawa (right) shaking hands with Mr. Mizutani after signing


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